My First Day at the Blind School My long-held passion for current affairs and love for learning led me to a seemingly unexpected place – teaching a current affairs class for the visually impaired at a local school. I love to teach and dispense the knowledge I have acquired, and […]
Critical Thought, Development, and Social Movements
Imagining a Post-Development Era? Critical Thought, Development, and Social Movements By Arturo Escobar Introduction: The Demise of Development and the Problematization of Protest Today, there is a crisis in developmentalist discourse. It can be seen in at least two ways: The aim of this essay is to bridge these […]
Collective Capabilities, Culture, and Amartya Sen’s Development as Freedom
Collective Capabilities, Culture, and Amartya Sen’s Development as Freedom An Analysis by Peter Evans In this paper, Peter Evans, Professor in the Sociology Department at the University of California, Berkeley, argues that the more challenging implications of Sen’s are largely left unexplored in Development as Freedom and that exploring them […]
Philosophical Approach To Justice and Capabilities
Theories of John Rawls, Amartya Sen, and Martha Nussbaum: A Comparison⦁ Is justice a universal concept or is it something that each individual experiences differently?⦁ Is it shaped by what an individual believes is possible?⦁ Is justice seen only as something to be delivered through the courts or does it […]