History is ripe with instances of war. After all, it is human nature to want more and more and more. Such a feeling has led to kings and queens, presidents and chancellors, dictators and monarchs waging war on each other and carrying out invasions. Expansionism is a quality that marked […]
Socialist India and the Nehruvian Thought
India gained its independence from British rule on August 15, 1947. Jawaharlal Nehru became the first Prime Minister of India. Nehru was a westernized, secularized individual who was inspired by ideas related to socialism and social democracy. This period in Indian politics saw almost no, or otherwise negligible, inter-party competition. […]
Cashless Economy and UPI In India
A cashless economy is one in which the flow of cash is absent (or in practice negligible), and all financial activities are conducted through electronic mediums such as credit/debit cards, Unified Payments Interface (UPI), National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) etc. Such economies have several advantages: There are also disadvantages like […]
The Evolution of India’s Nuclear Policy
Nuclear weapons are weapons of mass destruction-they possess the capability to wipe out hundreds of thousands and cause direct harm to several millions. In human history, they have only been used twice-both times by the United States. However, at the time when they were used, nuclear weaponry was new. Also, […]
A Geopolitical Analysis of Belarus
Belarus is one of, if not the only, state in Europe to not conform to the western ideals of ‘modernisation.’ It has stuck to its Soviet route and has sort of, in its own way carved a new path towards development. It is quite different in terms of its place […]
Russia-Ukraine War and India
The Russia-Ukraine war has had tumultuous effects globally. It has severely affected the world economy, world peace, and international diplomacy. It has led to several sanctions being imposed on Russia by the West, who see this sudden attack as unwarranted, unnecessary, and illegal. This in turn has put some strain […]
The Benefits of a Young Workforce – Explained Through Contrast
For progress and development, every country has their own bread and butter- their own medium for their citizens’ prosperity leading to overall growth -but what is common, at least in 2023, is that they all need a working human population. With this in mind, a country’s demographics such as the […]
Read More!
We all know that there are many benefits to reading books. Reading improves our focus, memory, empathy, and communication skills. It can reduce stress, improve our mental health, and enhance our imagination. Reading also allows us to learn new things to help us succeed in our work and life. But […]
Access to Healthcare: How easy it is for the LGBTQI+ Community?
When one falls sick and visits a local health facility, there is some wait. But the attending staff takes careand makes the wait comfortable. The patient’s turn comes, the doctor examines with patience and respect,prescribes medicines, and the person comes home relieved. Is the experience the same for everyone? Dothe […]
Crisis in Sri Lanka
Crisis in Sri Lanka Indians associate Sri Lanka with the city of Lanka in Ramayana, made of solid gold and built by Lord Vishwakarma – the craftsman deity and the divine architect of the gods in Hinduism. For us, Lanka has always been a symbol of opulence and a power […]