Some facts and my personal take!

Karl Marx, born in 1818, was a German philosopher, economist, and political theorist who profoundly influenced the field of social science. His ideas and writings have had a lasting impact on the world, making him one of the most influential figures in modern history
Marx’s most notable work, “The Communist Manifesto” (1848) and “Das Kapital” (1867-1894), laid the foundation for the ideology of Marxism. He believed that societies are shaped by class struggle, with the ruling class exploiting the working class. Marx argued for a classless society where the means of production are owned collectively, a concept known as communism.

His theories and critiques of capitalism were rooted in an analysis of economic systems and historical materialism. Marx viewed capitalism as inherently exploitative, leading to social inequality and alienation. He predicted that capitalism would eventually collapse under its own contradictions, leading to a proletarian revolution and the establishment of socialism.
Marx’s ideas have shaped political movements around the world, inspiring communist revolutions in various countries. However, their implementation has often been controversial and subject to different interpretations. Nevertheless, Karl Marx’s contributions to philosophy, economics, and social theory continue to be studied and debated today. His works remain an essential part of understanding the dynamics of class, power, and social change in modern societies.
Marxian Economics and Economy
Marxian economics is a school of thought that analyses the capitalist economy from a historical and materialist perspective. It sees capitalism as a class-divided society, with the bourgeoisie (capitalists) owning the means of production and the proletariat (workers) selling their labor power to the bourgeoisie. Marxian economics argues that capitalism is based on exploitation, as the bourgeoisie extracts surplus value from the proletariat in the form of profit.
Modern economists argue that Marxist economic theory holds little relevance today. Nevertheless, several terms and characteristics of Marxian economics form the bedrock of modern economics.
Marxian economics has three distinctive characteristics:
- The first distinctive characteristic of Marxian economics is that it tries to understand how the class-divided society of capitalism gives rise to and is based on exploitation. Marxist economists argue that the exploitation of the proletariat is the driving force of capitalism, and that it will eventually lead to the overthrow of capitalism by the working class.
- Furthermore, Marxian economics perceives capitalism as a system riddled with contradictions. Karl Marx’s analysis acknowledges the favorable aspects of capitalism when contrasted with preceding modes of production. These favorable aspects generate significant wealth that, if appropriately distributed, could cater to the majority of the population’s requirements. However, this distribution fails to materialize due to the organization of capitalist relationships. This contradiction lies in the fact that capitalism enhances labor productivity and facilitates extensive wealth accumulation. Yet, since its driving force is profit generation rather than meeting societal needs, it ultimately falls short in satisfying the social requirements of the system.
- The third distinctive element, which sets it apart from all other economic traditions, is the focus on crisis. Marx’s analysis of capitalism always highlighted that capitalism is a crisis-prone system. Even though there are periods when it seems to be doing ok, if we look underneath the surface, a crisis tendency matures, which will almost inevitably explode into a crisis. So if you look at the history of capitalism, every three or four decades it is caught in a deep crisis.
The Marxist conception of economy lays focus on the concept of “capital”. By “capital” he meant a system where sums of money come to the market, purchase commodities, produce some commodities with the purchased commodities — one of the important commodities being labour power — and then at the end sell those commodities that have been produced for more money. It is a system that is organized around the need to generate more money by investing money.
Some important terms are:
- Class struggle: Marx’s view of history as a series of conflicts between different social classes, with the working class eventually overthrowing the capitalist class.
- Alienation: Marx’s view of the way that capitalism alienates workers from their labour, their products, and their fellow human beings.
- Surplus value: Marx’s concept of the value that workers create in excess of their wages, which is appropriated by the capitalist class as profit.
- Communism: Marx’s vision of a classless society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the working class.

My Views On Marxian Economics
It is widely known that Marx promoted communism as an alternative to capitalism, which he believed increased disparities between the haves and the have-nots. However, the Cold War culminating in liberal-capitalist victory means that most nations today are capitalist in some way, shape or form. This especially applies to economic powerhouses in the globalized world. One may cite China as an exception; however, it is important to note that it too has embraced a market economy and private enterprise.
As such, Marx’s theories remain rather irrelevant today in the field of economics. Even so, his understanding of economic theory remains vital in that of modern economists. Without any sort of political bias, it is important to understand Marxian economics even today, for it attempts to understand today’s economic system in a different, negative matter and this is very useful in improving the system itself.
Marx’s critical view of capitalism has indeed influenced welfare policies in many countries which aim to subdue raw, free-market capitalism. These include policies related to tax concessions, quotas, tariffs, and protection provided to small producers.
It is important we draw from all viewpoints to formulate to devise the best medium of economic growth in the interest of human development. Whether one agrees with Marx’s mindset or not, it is not contentious to declare him as one of the most influential men of all time in several social sciences.
At the end of the day, all information is good information, as all humans work ultimately for the same goal of human prosperity. We may have different opinions on how to achieve that prosperity, but we stay united in our goal to help humanity flourish for eons to come.
Note: I have taken the photographs/illustrations from internet. They belong to the author/photographer/designer of the original article/s.